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Inspirational Quote

Think of what you have rather than of what you lack. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them. (Marcus Aurelius)

Advice: How refinancing a credit will help you reduce costs.

The same property is used as collateral. In some cases by refinancing credit the brokers offer a bigger amount, so any remaining money can be use for anything else (for egg. Did you know that you can put the money in savings in European banks with a big interest rate, over 10 %? Ask us how!). On times of crises is better refinancing credit only if the evaluation of the property is not affecting your loaned amount. If the offer is at the same evaluation or max minus 5%, it’s better to refinance, by keeping the same amount, but on longer terms, so that the monthly installment will decrease. Use refinancing credit for credit cards. Short terms loans are with bigger interest rates.

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